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Only a dirty pig is a happy pig!

In Dirty Pig, first released as Drecksau, each player has 2-4 clean pigs in front of him and three cards in hand. Each turn one card is played. By playing a "Dirty Your Pig" card, one pig can be sent into the mud. One of the pig cards in front of you is flipped over to show a dirty pig on the back. Rain cards clean all pigs, even your own! Barn cards protect your pigs from the rain, while lightning cards destroy the barns – but lightning rod cards protect barns from lightning cards. Farmer cards are played to dirty someone else's pigs: the farmer likes clean pigs... Pigs in a barn that are protected with a barn door are safe from the farmer. A pig in a barn, with a door, and a lightning rod, is completely protected! The first player who dirties all of his pigs wins!

Note that while Drecksau has a maximum player count of four, Dirty Pig contains additional cards that allow for play with up to six.

Guarro pig (es)

SKU: AJ-MRC-Dirtypig









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